The Blog of Cafe Dissensus Magazine – we DISSENT

Posts from the ‘Obituaries’ category

A Thought about MSS Pandian

By Aashique Iqbal
Vulnerability need not be a recipe for weakness, MSSP seemed to suggest, but an opportunity. By not inhabiting the national mainstream, vulnerable groups could question dominant ideas. This meant not only questioning our opponents but more so those who were close to us, even when they were sympathetic.

Post-Apartheid and Post-Mandela

By Nick Matlin
It is almost cliché to emphasize the fact that while racial frontiers have begun to break down, the frontiers of class remain stubbornly entrenched. Much of the country’s wealth still rests in the hands of the white minority.

Obituary: Remembering Sharmila Rege (1964 – 2013)

By Deepa Sreenivas
By all accounts, Sharmila and her colleagues at the Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre re-made this terrain, infusing every classroom and every text with the spirit of feminist pedagogy. This is evident from the fact that a large number of theoretical texts were translated from English to Marathi so as to make them accessible to students from the vernacular medium.

Obituary: Remembering Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer

By Nadira Khan
I will remember Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer as a very supportive person. He remembered one of his friends in the US, who also worked on the minority communities in films and he took pains to find out his friend’s contact details from his record. He also gave me the contact number of an eminent film director for conducting an interview.